Big Data

The fact that all the information in the virtual environment is organized and made available in a correct and reliable way is the state of the data being analyzed, classified, and transformed into a meaningful and processable form.
Big data has adopted the principle of making the available data most useful, bringing a new perspective to the views of businesses and institutions about their customers and their way of doing business, and opening new channels. At this point, in order to reach the most useful information, it is necessary to act with the principles of big data and reveal the simplest and most workable form of the data. Many data points are compared, the relationships between the data are revealed, and these relationships enable us to learn and make smarter decisions.

Usage Areas of Big Data Systems:
It collects data about companies' customers, material suppliers, all kinds of transactions and products within the company, and produces meaningful reports.
Big data lies behind the systems that enable us to find the names of hundreds of thousands of drugs in drug stores, exactly where they are located, and when we want to reach any drug.

You can equate your imagination with Big Data because everything you can do with such large datasets is limited by your imagination. We just need to plan well what you want to do, what you want to know.


Big Data

Büyük veri kümeleri ile yapabileceğiniz her şey hayal gücünüz ile sınırlıdır, sadece ne yapmak, neyi bilmek istediğinizi iyi planlamamız gerekmektedir.



It collects data about companies' customers, material suppliers, all kinds of transactions and products within the company, and generates meaningful reports. According to the research, companies using bigdata make 50% more profit.


Big Data 3V

It is the 3V concept derived from the words variety, velocity and volume, which are the 3 characteristic features of Big Data. They help us better understand big data.